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HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, jQuery, React, VueJS
PHP, Laravel, Lumen, CodeIgniter, NodeJS, ExpressJS, API Integration
Frontend & Backend Development
Android Java, Framework7, React Native, Firebase
C#, Java
MySQL, SQL Server, Firebase, MongoDB
Check out my works
Library and Archive of annual reports of German stock listed companies
Sophisticated marketplace technologies for financial service providers
IntraCondo is a highly secure intranet serving as a management tool for all types of condominium corporations. Having been specially developed to help condominium owners, our platform offers you simple access to information sharing as well as simplified communication between the co-owners, the administration and the manager.
Mobile version of developed using React Native to be deployed into Android & iOS app
A web-based information system to monitor couriers' trip when delivering goods to customers
An android app for couriers to send reports when delivering goods
A web-based information system that helps a notary receives orders from customers
A web-based information system that helps a factory monitor their activities from buying things, production, and selling products
A web-based information system to calculate salaries for employees in a company
A simple web-based app to display informations on a large Smart TV. The information can be edited via an admin login
Analyse tweets sentiment (positive, neutral, negative) based on training data. The tweets' topic is politics in Indonesia.
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